A beautiful game you can play with people you love!

As Lucía enjoyed it, I’m reblogging it!

Michelle Ford's Blog for Básico, EOI Fuengirola

Listen to this story at the TP Podcast

When I was a teenager, at high school, I was very lucky, because I discovered a game I love, “Si fuera…”. In those days, Franco had just died and high schools were wonderful places, at least my high school was, a public school where teachers were putting into practice what they couldn’t do during the dictatorship. High schools were better places than today because they were not prisons for teachers and students. During the break we could simply walk out of the school to go to a nearby bakery to buy our morning snack, “una palmera, un cuerno de chocolate”. When a teacher was ill, he or she had the right to stay home and get his or her salary anyway (not like today), and we, the students, had the chance to have a free hour! We learned/learnt to be free in…

View original post 528 more words


  1. Really? How wonderful! You can post about the kinds of questions and stuff. Children’s minds are amazing! 🙂 ❤


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