Author: mariajoselopez

Lo and Behold: Reveries of the connected world

Hi, everyone!! How is it going? I watched yesterday a really interesting documentary about internet, technology and its impact in our future as human beings. I couldn’t make it to find the hole one, so I’m posting the trailer.

It would be great if anyone could find the complete version and post it here, in the blog.

Hope you enjoy it and find it as interesting as I found it.

Best wishes!!!!

Instragram using terms

Related to the video “Who owns your data?” I posted yesterday (see Who owns your data?), here you have a pic of some of the using terms of the app Instagram. Please take a look at it. Maybe if we read the terms before accepting them, we won’t use the app!!

It’s got interesting vocabulary about contracts, terms, conditions… as well.

Which one do you think is the less acceptable?

Captura de pantalla 2017-05-01 a las 13.13.20

Who owns your data?

Hi everyone!!! I would like to share with all of you a video I found on Youtube today about our online data. I think it’s really interesting to know this issue, that’s becoming a real one, better. Moreover, it has useful vocabulary and expressions about internet, digital world, digital data, big companies, apps, cookies…

Hope you enjoy it!!!!